måndag 30 mars 2015


"This is the end, my friend. Why rush about and pretend it isn´t here? Just accept it; then it will come easier. We can´t fight it, you know."

The path of the Nihilist is particularly lonely, as it begins with depression and hopelessness. The Kithain sees the effects of encroaching Banality all around her and gives up her will to fight. She simply stops struggling to maintain her Glamour. This surrender to fate often manifests as an aura, devouring all the Glamour around her. Her home may seem particularly drab and uninteresting, even to normal people (although a typical Autumn Person may feel perfectly at home). To Kithain, it will seem dead and lifeless, completely lacking any of the joy or color of Glamour.
As time passes, this aura will spread to infect the people and places around her. The garden which was once so beautiful and enjoyable to be around may suddenly lose the sense of wonder it inspires. The young, starving artist living in the studio next door may suddenly find that his painting does not come so easily anymore.
What happens to this Glamour? The Dauntain slowly devours it. She is filled with a hollow aching which can only be satisfied by consuming Glamour - the fact that she also destroys other Kithain and their chimera is only a bonus - or a curse.
It must be noted that the Nihilist is not aware of the damage she is causing. In fact, she is incapable of noticing it on her own. It must be pointed out to her, although this may drive her deeper into her depression. In fact, most of her own attention is directed inward, as the outside world holds no real attraction to her any longer.
Her rescue lies in the possibility of convincing her to act despite Banality, to act to change the world, not to react to the changes in the world. If this can can be done successfully without driving her deeper or convincing her to commit suicide, she may rise from her somnolence.

The Nihilist grows smaller within her seeming. To other Kithain, she seems to be withdrawn and harmless. A gloomy aura surrounds her, filling those who approach with icy touch of despair.

Kithain: They act like puppets on a stage, always charging to and fro. Do they not understand it makes no difference? We´re all going to die.

The Lost: How ridiculous. Don´t they know everyone is delusionary? Some just hide it better then others.

The Cursed: Does it really matter when the dust settles? No.

Black magicians: Power is nothing. It´s like a fire that tries to feed itself.

Apostates: After Banality takes us, there will be blessed oblivion. What more could we ask?

Typhoids: What was that about curiosity and the cat?

- Autumn people, dreaming (wod)

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